Surfcoast Remedial Massage & Myotherapy
"Providing high quality Myotherapy & Remedial Massage in Torquay & surrounds"
Post Treatment Care & Exercises
Remedial Massage Torquay
Myotherapy Torquay

Our patient care does not finish when you leave our clinic - our care continues well beyond this point.
We actively follow up with all of our clients to check on progress, to provide rehabilitative support and gauge whether follow-up therapy is required.
In very rare cases, post treatment tenderness may be experienced. The reason for this, is that the musculoskeletal system is subjected to
controlled inflammatory responses immediately after treatment, which aids soft tissue repair. In the majority of cases, pain relief will be instant.
This of course always depends on the patient's clinical presentation. In some instances, a follow up appointment is recommended as part of your treatment plan.
We provide all clients with exercises to perform both at home and work, to ensure the treatment itself is only a small portion of the ongoing
treatment plan.
Please feel free to visit the patient exercises page on this website for more detailed videos and images to help assist you with your pain management, and to ensure your treatment is successful.
At Surfcoast Remedial Massage & Myotherapy Torquay, we really care bout your health and the outcomes you are looking for, whether it is pain
reduction, increased mobility, stress, axiety or depressive symptoms reduction, or for broad health improvement.